Dr. Hakan Satiroglu

Dr. Hakan Satiroglu
Edukimi dhe Trajnime

Bornova Anatolian High School

University Of Ankara School Of Medicine.

Specialist in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in the Medical School of Ankara University.

Clinical embryology and endoscopy in Royal Free Medical School of The University of London and Cromwell Hospital.

Associate Professor


Eksperienca Profesionale

Visiting professor in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in the Medical School of the University of Temple in Philadelphia, USA.


Founded HS Women Health Care and Obstetrics Center and IVF Unit
2008 – 2014

HS Clinic, Women Health Care and IVF Center as the Medical Director


The coordinator and head of department Women Health Care and Obstetrics Department and IVF Unit of the American Hospital in Tirana-Albania, then after as well Pristine –Kosovo


Founder of “Şatıroğlu NAR HOSPITAL” in Ankara

Kariera Akademike
Anëtar i Shoqatës Europiane të Riprodhimit Human & Embriologjisë(ESHRE)
Anëtar i Shoqatës Europiane të Endoskopisë Gjinekologjike (ESGE)
Anëtar i Shoqatës Europiane të Kontraceptimit

1. Woman fertility health / Ass. Prof. Dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu

2. Force and Power / Prof. Dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu

Book Chapters

1. Ankara University, medical treatment manual – medical treatment in the gynecology and obstetrics / doç.dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu

2. Hacettepe University, Higher School of Social Services, Anthropology and sex during old-age – menopause and old-age / doç.dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu

3. Venereal diseases characterized with vaginal secretion and pelvic inflammatory disease Ass. Prof. Dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu

4. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of AÇSAP, Informative Education on Adolescence health – fertility health and education on sexual health / Ass. Prof. Dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu, prof. dr. sevim d.cengiz

5. Ministry of National Education, Head Office of Health Affairs Department, Teacher’s Book on Change during the adolescence period

6. Ministry of National Education, Head Office of Health Affairs Department, Change during the Adolescence Period, Student’s Book

7. Ministry of National Education, Head Office of Health Affairs Department, Change during the Adolescence Period, standard module

8. A.U., M. Sch., Applied Endoscopic Surgery Courses, Gynecological, Endoscopic skill gaining manual / Ass. Prof. Dr. Ilkkan dünder, Ass. Prof. Dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu, Ass. Prof. Dr. fulya dökmeci

9. Introduction to the Clinic Sciences – hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian hormones / Ass. Prof. Dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu

10. Applied endoscopic surgery courses -in gynecology course book – hysteroscopy, techniques and indications

11. Applied endoscopic surgery courses -in gynecology course book -endometriosis and laparoscopy

12. What you would like to know about adolescence fertility health – How does woman reproductive system work? Frequently Asked Questions and Answers / Ass. Prof. Dr. Hakan Şatıroğlu

13. Menopause and osteoporosis- osteoporosis in amenore and anovulation / sevim dinçer cengiz, Hakan Şatıroğlu

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