2011- 2014, Universiteti i Mjekesise/ Sherbimi i Alergologjise dhe Imunologjise klinike, Alergologe dhe imunologe klinike
1 Maj 2014 – 31 Korrik 2014, Departmenti i Alergjise, Klinika e 2-te Pediatrike, Athine, Greqi, Qender Spitalore Universitare.
Korrik 2022, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Kongresi Vjetor i EAACI-it, Prage -online
Qershor 2020, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Kongresi Vjetor i EAACI-it, Londer -online
Shkurt 2020, The American Austrian Foundation, OMI Salzburg Seminar, Pediatric allergology and immunology
Qershor 2018, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Kongresi Vjetor i EAACI-it, Mynih
Shtator 2016, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Allergy school on drug allergy in children, Beograd
Tetor 2015, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting, Berlin
Nentor 2014, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, International Severe Asthma Forum, Athine
Qershor 2014, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, EAACI Annual Conference 2014, Kopenhagen
Nentor 2013, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting 2013, Athine
Shtattor 2011, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Allergy School: Allergic reaction to drugs – from bench to bedside, Verona
Maj 2013, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike, Konferenca vjetore: Dita Boterore e Astmes
Shtator 2013, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike, Imunoterapia Specifike
Maj 2012, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike, Konferenca vjetore: Ju mund ta kontrolloni astmen tuaj
Anetare e Akademise Europiane te Alergjise dhe Imunologjise klinike
Anetare e Organizates Boterore te Alergjise
Nentor 2022, Shoqata Pediatrike Shqipetare, Konferenca e 17-te Kombetare e Shoqates Pediatrike, Dermatiti Atopik dhe Alergjia Ushqimore
Qershor 2022, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike, Konferenca e Astmes, Astma jo-alergjike eozinofilike
Mars 2017, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike, Imunoterapia alergen specifike, Imunoterapia specifike ne trajtimin e alergjise ushqimore
Qershor 2016, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike, Dita boterore e astmes, Astma ne moshat pediatrike
Shtator 2016, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Allergy school on drug allergy in children, Belgrade, Case report “Pantoprazole allergy- Anaphylaxis during skin tests”
Tetor 2015, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting, Berlin, “The impact of vitamin D serum levels in asthma and allergic rhinitis”
Gusht 2014, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, International Scholarly Research Notices, “Vitamin D and Its Role as a Protective Factor in Allergy”
2014, Albanian Medical Journal, Albanian Medical Journal, “Albanian- International study of asthma and allergies in childhood (ALB-ISAAC): Rationale and methods”
Shtator 2013, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike, Imunoterapia Specifike, “Historiku i Imunoterapise Specifike”
Maj 2013, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike, Konferenca vjetore: Dita Boterore e Astmes , “Astma jetekercenuese”
Maj 2012, Shoqata Shqipetare e Astmes, Alergjise dhe Imunologjise Klinike , Ju mund ta kontrolloni astmen tuaj, “Nje rast ne Sindrome DREES”